"Symbiogenesis and Carcinogenesis"

International Congress on Endocytobiology, Symbiosis and Biomedicine


Freiburg im Breisgau (Germany)

April 5 - 9  1998

1998 Abstract Submission Form

Be sure you are using Netscape 2.0 or greater, or Internet Explorer 3.0 or greater browser.

Enter author names below, one name per line. Enter names in the format of last name, first name middle initial. (e.g. Green, John L. [be sure to include comma between last name and first name]).

Author name: Affiliation:
Author name: Affiliation:
Author name: Affiliation:
Author name: Affiliation:
Author name: Affiliation:
Author name: Affiliation:
Author name: Affiliation:
Author name: Affiliation:

Member of ISE

Presenter's Name. Enter in the form of Firstname MI. Lastname:

Presenter's Mailing Address:

Presenter's Email Address:

Presenter's Telephone Number:

Presenter's Fax Number:

First Choice - Report Category:
Second Choice - Report Category:

Method of Presentation:
(Oral presentations are limited to 20 minutes; scientific committee reserves right to assign oral reports to poster sessions).

Special Equipment Needs (other than an overhead projector or a 2x2 slide projector):

Are you willing to chair the session in which you are presenting?
Are you willing to operate a projector in the session in which you are presenting?

Enter your title & abstract below. When you are finished, press the "Proof Read" button under the text area. Your abstract will be displayed back to you with the bold, italic, super and subscripting codes activated. If you are satisfied with the appearance of your abstract at that time, you may submit it. Otherwise you may return to this page and make revisions. Your abstract must not exceed 1800 characters. You will be told if your abstract exceeds this limit when you press the "Proof Read" button.

Present all elements of a research report [introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion] but without headings. End abstract with acknowledgement of funding sources, if applicable. Do not indent first line of abstract. DO NOT break into paragraphs. DO NOT attempt to include graphics or tabular material. Spell out all Greek letters.

If you need to reference the less-than '<' or greater-than '>' symbols as part of a math equation or in some other context (which is not part of a markup code as displayed above), do not type the less-than or greater than symbols. Instead use codes as follows:

< &#060
> &#062

As an example, the following text:

You will see the effect of the above mark up codes when you press the "Proof Read" button.

For inquiries & assistance, please contact normann@ruf.uni-freiburg.de

Abstract Title: Capitalize first word only; type all other words except proper names in lower case letters. The title must not exceed 120 characters.

Abstract: Your abstract must not exceed 1800 characters.