"Holistic Darwinism" as a Post-Neo-Darwinian Paradigm

Corning, P. A.

Institute for the Study of Complex Systems, 119 Bryant St. Palo Alto, CA 94301, USA

Holistic Darwinism is not an oxymoron. It is a candidate name for a post-neo-Darwinian paradigm. It does not involve a different theory but rather a different perspective on the evolutionary process. The focus is on the "bioeconomics" -- the functional costs and benefits -- of cooperative phenomena of all kinds and at all levels of biological organization. A key concept is "synergistic selection" -- the differential survival and reproduction of functionally-interdependent units, or parts (and their genes). The reason why synergistic selection cannot be reduced to individual or genic selection is that the selection of a given unit is dependent upon the emergent properties of the "whole"; take away any part and the whole will be adversely affected. Many hypotheses have been advanced to explain the evolution of complexity -- an undisputed trend if not a "law". Holistic Darwinism focusses on the causal role of functional synergy. There have been many "engines" of evolutionary change, but the engine is nothing without the car.

Lecture Hall II Monday, April 6 09:50 am