The state of Endosymbiotic Theory in Eastern Europe

Tiivel, T.

Tallinn Pedagogical University, Chair of Biology, Narva Rd. 25, EE-0100 Tallinn, Estonia

Endosymbioses present intriguing problems concerning the morpho-functional integrity of organisms, their autonomous existence, and aspects of their formation and development. In a great variety of organisms, the endosymbiotic way of life (cellular associations) seems to be one of the sources of evolutionary innovation. Such associations direct the evolution of metabolic pathways and organelle systems, providing degrees of flexibility not found in single organisms. The theory of endosymbioses is now about one hundred years old. Theoretical aspects of symbiogenesis (evolution, typology of organisms, balance of their coexistence and many other areas of theoretical approaces) were developed by many scientists during this century. In Eastern Euripe we can see a link between the early works of A. Famintsin, K. Mereshkovsky, A. Elenkine and B. Kozo-Poljansky with the later works of A. Ljubischtschev, J. Chaikovsky, A.Takhtadjan, and others in this field of knowledge.

Lecture Hall II Monday, April 6 09:10 am