A study of morphology of yeast cells by means of laser computer-aided phase-contrast microscope

Perevedentseva, E.V., Dressler, C., Balanos, E., Beuthan, J., Graschew, G., Tychinsky, V.P.

LMTB gGmbH, Krahmerstr. 6-10, D-12207 Berlin, Germany

The laser computer-aided phase-contrast microscope Airyscan was used to obtain images of Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells (yeast) and to analyse their morphology in different physiological states. The optical arrangement of the Airyscan is based on a modified scheme of a Linnik-type interferometer with phase modulation of the reference wave. The coherent light source is He-Ne laser (lambda=633 nm), local values of interference signal phase are measured with a coordinate-sensitive photodetector (dissector image tube). The software enables an operator to obtain pseudocolored topograms, cross-sections, three-dimensional images and to carry out statistical and Fourier analysis. The general optical magnification achieved with the microscope is 3000. The topograms of Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells suspended in PBS-buffer were obtained. Characteristic forms of mother-cells and sprouts were observed. It can be proposed, that different distributions of phase heights for cells without sprouts, with one, two and more sprouts reflect differences in cell (physiological, functional) states.

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Lecture Hall II Sunday, April 5 02:40 pm