International Society of Endocytobiology (ISE) 

European Academy of Biomedicine and Endocytotechnology 


International Congress on Endocytobiology, Symbiosis and Biomedicine 

"Symbiogenesis and Carcinogenesis"

Freiburg im Breisgau (Germany)

April 5 - 9  1998


Via E-Mail

We urge all who have access to use the World Wide Web for abstract submission. In recognition of the fact that not all participants have access to the Web or to the proper browsing software, abstracts may also be submitted via e-mail to:


as MIME-encoded attached files in WordPerfect 6.0 or later or Microsoft Word 6.0 or later.

1. Select first and second choice report categories from the list below.

 A. Symbioses (Phenomenology and Phylogeny)

 B. Pro- and Eukaryotic Cells (Endocytobiological / Endocytotechnical Aspects)

 C. Biomedical Aspects of Cancer (Endocytobiological View)

 D. Theoretical / Applied Aspects of Symbiosis / Endocytobiology / Medicine

2. Deadline for receipt is Wednesday, December 31, 1997. DO NOT USE FAX.

3. Use this method of submission only if you do not have access to the World Wide Web.

4. A specimen of an abstract for submission via e-mail is given below.

Some notes on the preparation of abstracts for Endocytobiology VII if submitted via physical mail

Author, A., Author B., Author C.
Institution, Street, City, Country

All abstracts must be written in English and should not exceed 1.800 characters. No drawings, graphs or photographs will be accepted. The abstract should be printed or typewritten, single spaced in a 12 point font on white A4 paper (210 x 297 mm) or American lettersize paper with good quality black ribbon (a laser printer is preferred). The title should be centered in 14 point bold letters. The rest of the abstract should be in a 12 point font. The use of Times Roman is strongly recommended. The name(s) of the author(s), listed by surname and followed by initials should be centered and in italics. Then the author's affiliation and full address should be given, also centered. On a new paragraph the text of the abstract should follow. If possible give one or two literature references at the end.

Abstracts received by fax are unacceptable. Abstracts received late or not prepared according to the instructions may not be accepted.

© Dr. J. Normann