Molecular evolution of the plastid endosymbiosis

Valentin, K. and Göckner, G.

Institute for Plant Physiology, Heinrich Buff Ring 58-62, D-35392 Giessen, Germany

Plastids arose by one or multiple endosymbioses of cyanobacteria-like organisms in eukaryotic host cells. Topics of this presentation are: - Monophyly versus polyphyly for plastid origins. Phylogenetic trees based on combined multiple alignments are used to answer this question - Plastid genome evolution in chlorophytic and rhodophytic plants. We compare the plastid genome from a unicellular red alga with that from a highly evolved rhodophyte. Differences in coding capacity between red algae and green plants are discussed. - Evolution of biochemical processes during plastid evolution. As an example evolution of the plastid sec apparatus is discussed.

Lecture Hall I Sunday, April 5 03:40 pm