B. Pro- and Eukaryotic Cells (Endocytobiological / Endocytotechnical
Intertaxonic Combination (Nuclear and Exogenosomal Origin and Evolution)
- Chair: W. Löffelhardt (Wien) / B. Stöbe (Düsseldorf) / G. McFadden (Parkville) / K. Valentin (Giessen)
- Gupta, R.S. (Hamilton, Canada)
Protein phylogenies: A reappraisal of the evolutionary relationships between archaebacteria, eubacteria and eukaryotes
- Hirt, R.P., Healy B., Embley, T.M. (London, United Kingdom)
Identification of a mitochondrial Hsp70 in Microsporidia:
Evolutionary and cellular implications
- Martin, W. (Braunschweig, Germany)
- Stöbe, B. Martin, W. Kowallik, K.V. (Düsseldorf, Germany / Braunschweig, Germany)
- Valentin, K. and Göckner, G. (Giessen, Germany)
Molecular evolution of the plastid endosymbiosis
- Hachtel, W. (Bonn, Germany)
Phylogenetic adaptation of plastid DNA in the evolution of the heterotrophic euglenoid flagellate Astasia longa
- Cerff, R. (Braunschweig, Germany)
Evolutionary origin of photosynthetic eukaryotes based on
GAPDH phylogenies
- Fagan, T., Hastings, J.W., Morse, D. (Cambridge, USA / Montreal, Canada)
Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase phylogeny supports an independent origin of the dinoflagellate chloroplast
- Joyard, J., Miège, C., Maréchal, E., Block, M.A., Ohta, H., Takamiya, K.-I., Douce, R. (Grenoble, France / Tokyo, Japan)
Origin of MGDG synthase from chloroplast envelope membranes
- Reski, R., Strepp, R.S., Scholz, S., Speth, V., Kruse, S. (Freiburg, Germany / Hamburg, Germany)
- Roettgers, S., Lenz, N., Valentin, K. (Giessen, Germany)
Evolution of the GOGAT enzyme in algae and land plants
- Schnarrenberger, C. and Martin, W. (Berlin, Germany / Braunschweig, Germany)
Evolutionary history of the calvin cycle genes
- Waller, R.F., Keeling, P.J., Lang-Unnasch, N., Handman, E., McFadden, G.I. (Parkville, Australia)
Function of plastids in human parasites
- Zabaleta E., Binder, S., Marchfelder, A., Knoop, V., Marienfeld, J., Unseld, M.,
Brandt, P., Giége P., Brennicke, A. (Ulm, Germany)
The mitochondrial genome in the context of the plant cell
- Voncken, F., Akhmanova, A., Boxma, B., Hackstein, J. (Nijmegen, The Netherlands)
Evolution of hydrogenosomes and horizontal gene transfer
- Hess, W.R. (Berlin, Germany)
Structure, expression and phylogeny of phycobiliproteins in the chlorophyll a and b-containing prokaryote Prochlorococcus marinus
- Maier, U.G. (Marburg, Germany)
Lessons from nucleomorphs
Poster Presentation:
- Bölter, B., Hinnah, S., Wagner, R., Schulz, A., Soll, J. (Kiel, Germany)
Common features of the chloroplastic outer envelope and the outer membranes of Synechocystis
- Petersen, J., McFadden, G., Cerff, R. (Braunschweig, Germany / Melbourne, Australia)
A novel type of chloroplast GAPDH gene in Chlorarachnion
- Wakasugi, T., Nishikawa, A., Yamada, K., Sugiura, M. (Toyama, Japan / Nagoya, Japan)
Complete nucleotide sequence of the plastid genome
from a fern, Psilotum nudum
- Bodyl, A. (Wroclaw, Poland)
How have apicomplexan plastids evolved? A hypothesis
- Searcy, D.G. (Amherst, USA)
Thermoplasma superoxide dismutase
© Dr. J. Normann