Theoretical / Applied Aspects of Symbiosis / Endocytobiology / Medicine
Supramolecular Organization of the Cytoplasm
- Chair: J. Ovádi (Budapest) / J. Bereiter-Hahn (Frankfurt am Main)
- Ovádi, J., Vértessy, B.G., Kovács, J., Orosz, F. (Budapest, Hungary)
Relationship of cytoarchitecture and glucose metabolism
- Tychinsky V.P., Weiss D., Vyshenskaja T.V., Perevedentzeva E.V., Yagushinsky L.S., Nikandrov S.L. (Moscow, Russia / Rostock, Germany)
Real-time observation of cooperative enzyme activity
in liposomes and mitochondria
- Bereiter-Hahn, J., Schindler, R., Blum, S., Airas, J., Mittal, A.K. (Frankfurt am Main, Germany)
Associations of glycolytic enzymes with the cytoskeleton
© Dr. J. Normann