Theoretical / Applied Aspects of Symbiosis / Endocytobiology / Medicine
Theoretical Aspects in Symbiogenesis and Biosemiotics
- Chair: K. Kull (Tartu) / T. Tiivel (Tallinn)
- von Uexküll, T. (Freiburg, Germany)
Jakob von Uexküll's biosemiotics and the biomechanic model
- Tiivel, T. and Kull, K (Tallinn, Estonia / Tartu, Estonia)
Thure von Uexküll: Between biology, medicine, and semiotics
- Kull, K (Tartu, Estonia)
Symbiosis and semiosis
- Tiivel, T. (Tallinn, Estonia)
The state of endosymbiotic theory in Eastern Europe
- Kampis, G. (Budapest, Hungary)
Meaning versus matter: Lessons from life
- Corning, P. A. (Palo Alto, USA)
"Holistic Darwinism" as a Post-Neo-Darwinian Paradigm
- Brauckmann, S. (Münster, Germany)
The semiotic factory of the cell and molecular ecology: Dedicated to the centennial of Paul Alfred Weiss
- Scudo, F. M. (Pavia, Italy)
Symbiotic genomic acquisition and metazoan phylogeny
Poster Presentation:
- Markos, A. (Prague, Czech Republic)
Symbiogenesis of planetary superorganism
© Dr. J. Normann